12 Winter Flowering Plants (UK): Beautiful Blooms to Brighten Your Winter Garden

As the days get shorter and the nights get colder, it can be easy to forget that there is still beauty to be found in nature. Thankfully, there are plenty of plants that continue to bloom throughout the winter months, bringing a much-needed touch of colour to our grey landscapes. Here are 12 winter flowering plants to bring you some colour and interest to your garden through the winter.

12 Beautiful Plants that Flower in Winter


Wild Cyclamen pink flowers in winter

With their striking heart-shaped leaves and delicate flowers, cyclamen are a welcome sight in any garden during the winter months. They come in a wide range of colours, from white and cream to shades of pink, purple, and red, so you’re sure to find one that suits your taste. Cyclamen are happiest when planted in partial shade and well-drained soil.

Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel flowering in winter

With its unusual spider-like flowers, witch hazel is a plant that is sure to turn heads. The flowers can be any shade from yellow to red, and they appear on the bare branches of the plant in late winter or early spring. Witch hazel prefers full sun or partial shade and moist but well-drained soil.


Snowdrops in bloom on snowy ground in winter

One of the first signs that spring is on its way, snowdrops are a small but mighty plant that bursts into bloom as early as January in some parts of the UK. They are most commonly white with a green stripe running down the centre of each petal, although you may also find varieties with yellow or blue flowers. Snowdrops prefer dappled shade and moist but well-drained soil.


Heleborus Niger growing in the woods

Also known as Christmas roses, hellebores are beautiful plants that flower from December through March. They come in a range of colours including white, pink, yellow, green, and purple, and their cup-shaped blooms add a touch of elegance to any garden. Hellebores prefer partial shade and moist but well-drained soil.


Mahonia shrub with bright yellow flowers in late autumn

Grow a mahonia in your garden and you’ll be rewarded with beautiful clusters of yellow flowers during the winter. The flowers turn into dark blue berries, which look great against the glossy green leaves of the plant. Mahonia’s need full sun or partial shade and moist but well-drained soil to thrive.


Pots of colorful winter pansies in garden nursery

Pansies are hardy, colourful plants that produce beautiful blooms from late autumn into spring. They come in a wide range of colours, from classic violet and yellow to bright oranges and pinks. Pansies prefer full sun or partial shade and moist but well-drained soil.

Winter Jasmine

Winter Jasmine with bright yellow flowers

This hardy shrub has bright yellow flowers that bloom from December to March. It can be grown as a climber, with its stems twining around a trellis or fence, or in a container on the patio. Winter jasmine prefers full sun and moist but well-drained soil.


Beautiful pink camellia flower covered with white snow

Camellias are evergreen shrubs with glossy dark green leaves and large blooms that come in shades of white, pink, or red. They flower from November through March, making them one of the longest-flowering plants on this list. Camellias prefer partial shade and acidic soil that is high in organic matter.


Crocus flowers blooming through the melting snow

Crocuses are among the first bulbs to bloom in spring, with some species even flowering as early as January! They come in many different colours including purple, blue, yellow, white, and even black; so there is sure to be one to suit your taste. Crocuses prefer full sun or partial shade and well-drained soil rich in organic matter.

Winter Aconites

Winter aconite, Eranthis hyemalis, between Snowdrops

One of the earliest blooming bulbous plants, winter aconites produce small yellow flowers surrounded by green leaves that look like little cups. They typically appear in February, sometimes even earlier if conditions are mild. Winter aconites grow best in full sun or partial shade, although they will tolerate almost any type of soil except waterlogged conditions.

Winter Daphne

Winter daphne flowers

Winter Daphne is an evergreen shrub that produces intensely fragrant pink and white flowers from January through March. It prefers full sun or partial shade and moist but well-drained soil, which should be kept slightly acidic with plenty of organic matter.

Winter Clematis

Clematis cirrhosa in flower in December

Winter clematis is a climbing vine that produces star-shaped white or blue flowers from October through March. There are several varieties of Clematis that bloom in winter, such as the very popular, Clematis Cirrhosa. It prefers full sun or partial shade and moist but well-drained soil. With its bright blooms and vigorous growth, winter clematis can be a great addition to any garden.

Final Thoughts

Don’t let the bleakness of winter get you down! There are plenty of beautiful plants that will still be blooming long after the leaves have fallen from the trees. These 12 plants are just some of the most popular flowering plants in the UK, but you might find there are even more to discover.

And if you’re wondering how to take care of all your other plants in the winter, this post has some helpful advice on keeping your garden at its best in the colder months – How to Take Care of Plants in Winter: Protecting your Garden in Cold Weather.

What’s your favourite winter flower? Let us know in the comments!

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